
Wii Combo Guitar/ GH III - iPod Store

Wii Combo Guitar/ GH III

Wii Combo Guitar/ GH III
From ezGear

ezJam Combo for Wii - Guitar Hero + Rock Band in One. The ezJam Combo Guitar for Wii is the first guitar controller for the Wii that works on both Guitar Hero and Rock Band. Wit ezGear's proprietary DC2 Dual Connect technology, the ezJam Combo for Wii contains everything you need to play either game in 1 stylish unit. The ezJam Combo is ultra-responsive to meet the most intense shredder's play, and comes with upgraded chrome strum bar, ezSpring chrome whammy bar, and multi-axis tilt sensor. The ezJam also includes our standard Supra10 10 fret feature. Five (5) frets for big hands and 5 frets for smaller hands and younger shredders. The ezJam Combo includes the Guitar Controller, Rock Band wireless receiver, and neckstrap.

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