
Fable 2 - iPod Store

Fable 2

Fable 2
From Microsoft

I guess you are saying right now why are you writing a review when the game isnt even out yet..well its because i saw the trailer and i want to explain a few things about why you should get this game when it is released. First off there will be the same good and evil thing that you Fable fans know and love, and also there will be a new class you can be..and thats a pirate. Maybe the gun will screw up the game or maybe it will just enhance it i am a little bit nervious abot the gun thing because i like the middle age theme its so simplistic and awsome. We will just have to wait and see what Fable 2 has in stores. And oh yeah one more thing it will be comlonial times so be ready to see some revolutions.

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Tag : Fable 2,iPod Store,Microsoft