
Creative Zen V Plus 4 GB Portable Media Player (Black/Blue) - iPod Store

Creative Zen V Plus 4 GB Portable Media Player (Black/Blue)

Creative Zen V Plus 4 GB Portable Media Player (Black/Blue)
From Creative Labs

Despite an enticing price and feature set, the ZEN V Plus falls far short of competitors such as the iPod. Both me and my brother received a ZEN for Christmas about 2 years ago, and it wasn't long before the screen on mine died, and I had to send it in for warranty repair ($25+, even though the device was in warranty!!). After some ridiculously awful dealings with tech support, I got my player back, with a new screen. Shortly afterwards, right after the warranty expired, my brother's ZEN's screen died.

I ended up getting an iPod the next august (as part of a special promo deal with my Macbook) and it really was worth the slight extra cost. I've had no problems with it (other than the shoddy included headphones) and it is really a much better product over all.

Although there are some very nice features on this player, I'd have to say that due to the experiences I have had with it, and my brother's player, I will not be purchasing any Creative mp3 players in the future.

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Tag : Creative Zen V Plus 4 GB Portable Media Player (Black/Blue),iPod Store