
Sony NP-BG1 Type G Lithium Ion Rechargeable Battery Pack for Sony W Series, T20, T100, N2, N1, H7 & H9 Digital Cameras

Sony NP-BG1 Type G Lithium Ion Rechargeable Battery Pack for Sony W Series, T20, T100, N2, N1, H7 & H9 Digital Cameras<br />

Sony NP-BG1 Type G Lithium Ion Rechargeable Battery Pack for Sony W Series, T20, T100, N2, N1, H7 & H9 Digital Cameras
From Sony

Performs perfectly - buy 2
I was very happy with this product. I took a look at the clone versions of this battery and recalled that the last time I purchased a clone (also for a sony camera) it was a disaster. The battery would not keep a charge and well, let's just say that it makes a pretty nice paperweight now.
I admit that that's not really fair to the clones of this particular battery since I did not try them but I suppose it's just a word to the wise. I have a Sony Cybershot DSC-HP camera and the Sony NP-BG1 Type G Lithium Ion Rechargeable Battery Pack works perfectly. The charge is fairly quick (average 4 hours) and the battery lasts pretty much all day. I carry my camera with me every day just in case I see an interesting subject to shoot, and with 2 spare batteries I am never in a position of not being able to use my camera. When I go out with the intent of shooting pictures, one battery will last pretty much all day. For the day to day use of casual picture taking, I have gone as long as 3 days before I need to swap batteries. I am very pleased with the decision to go with the Sony battery pack for a Sony camera. It works perfectly

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