
Manfrotto 190CXPRO4 4-Section Pro Carbon Fiber Tripod without Head - iPod Store

Manfrotto 190CXPRO4 4-Section Pro Carbon Fiber Tripod without Head

Manfrotto 190CXPRO4 4-Section Pro Carbon Fiber Tripod without Head
From Manfrotto

Bogen Manfrotto Carbon Fiber 190CX Tripods are the lightest Tripods that Bogen Manfrotto offers. These Bogen Manfrotto 190CX Carbon-Fiber Tripods are designed for smaller spotting scopes and cameras and is perfect for long hikes and camping. Bogen Manfrotto 190 CX CarbonFiber Tripods are comprised of 100% Carbon Fiber for high quality standards and high levels of performance, rigidity and lightness.

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