
Samsung HMX-H104 HD SSD Flash Memory Camcorder w/16GB memory &10x Optical Zoom - iPod Store

Samsung HMX-H104 HD SSD Flash Memory Camcorder w/16GB memory &10x Optical Zoom

Samsung HMX-H104 HD SSD Flash Memory Camcorder w/16GB memory &10x Optical Zoom
From Samsung

The compact, lightweight Samsung HMX-H104 16 GB SSD camcorder takes video at the highest digital visual resolution available today, 1920 x 1080 Full HD. 1920 x 1080 Full HD video means much greater clarity, brightness and detail than ever before. It also means that your video will be an exact pixel-by-pixel match for today’s very best large screen HDTVs. The result is life-like video with more natural color and clarity, without the blurring or digital noise you might well be used to. Samsung’s H-Series of full-HD digital camcorders set a new standard for style and performance. Samsung’s renowned SSD technology offers a substantial advantage over the use of Hard Disk Drives (HDD) in a digital camcorder, providing consumers with higher performing and more durable internal memory. Samsung’s SSD technology is more lightweight and compact, operates silently with very low heat emission, and features no moving parts, which significantly reduces overall power consumption and enhances reliability. No moving parts also make SSD technology more durable and resistant to shock and vibrations. Additionally, Samsung’s SSD technology is faster than HDD, including quicker boot-up and read/write speeds.

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