
Williams Sound PKT D1 N01 Pocketalker Lightweight Ergonomic Design Adjustable Volume Control - iPod Store

Williams Sound PKT D1 N01 Pocketalker Lightweight Ergonomic Design Adjustable Volume Control<br />

Williams Sound PKT D1 N01 Pocketalker Lightweight Ergonomic Design Adjustable Volume Control
From Williams Sound

Improve your hearing - improve your life with the new Pocketalker Ultra from Williams Sound The Pocketalker Ultra amplifies sounds closest to the listener while reducing background noise. The Pocketalker Ultra features a lightweight, ergonomic design for portability and ease of use. Finger tip adjustable volume control allows you to quickly adjust to your listening environment - whether your hearing loss is low frequency or high frequency sounds. The listening accessories jack accommodates for a variety of earphone and headphone options. Use the Pocketalker Ultra with an optional neckloop NKL 001 to amplify a telecoil-equipped hearing aid.

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Tag : Williams Sound PKT D1 N01 Pocketalker Lightweight Ergonomic Design Adjustable Volume Control,iPod Store,Williams Sound